3-Tier Architecture in asp.net using C# with Crude Operations

3-Tier Architecture in asp.net using C# with Crude Operations

3-Tier Architecture in asp.net using c# 3-Tier architecture consists of 1) UI or Presentation Layer 2) Business Access Layer or Business Logic Layer 3) Data Access Layer Presentation Layer Presentation layer consists of pages like .aspx or desktop based form where data is presented to users or getting input from users. Business Logic layer or Business Access Layer Business logic layer contains all of the business logic. Its responsibility is to validate the business rules of the component and communicating with the Data Access Layer. Business Logic Layer is the class in which we write functions that get data from Presentation Layer and send that data to database through Data Access Layer.
Dynamic Data Manipulation using XSLT using c# methods

Dynamic Data Manipulation using XSLT using c# methods

If you want to display dynamic data/from database in xslt then this is a way to do your requirements. In this we are directly firing a query which returns data in xml format then according to the node names u can transform your xslt. Step 1: Create a xslt named as Sample.xsl < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#

How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#

The main purpose to use XSLT in C# for making your application faster while rendering from server. this is the following code on how to use simple xslt files in ur aspx page by using c#. This is only for rendering a static data only not dynamic means the xslt contains hard coded data only. This can be handy when u r using any header or footer or any portion of your application which is a bit heavier and taking more time to load. Step 1: Create a file named as Demo.xsl and put the below code. < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Test xslt page
Demo text here
How to call C# Method from Java Script

How to call C# Method from Java Script

If you want to call any method of cs page from JS then this is the best way that you can follow. This is required when ur buttons onClick event are not fired den u can call the onClientClick of button and then call the required method. Step 1: Create any page lets say Default.aspx. With in the body part look carefully
C Sharp Delegates and Plug-in Methods with Delegates

C Sharp Delegates and Plug-in Methods with Delegates

A delegate is declared by using the keyword delegate, otherwise it resembles a method declaration. delegate int delegateAdd (int x); Instantiation: To create a delegate instance, we need to assign a method (which has same signature as delegate) to delegate. static int Add (int x,int y) { return x+y; } .. //create delegate instance delegateAdd objAdd= new delegateAdd (Add); //short hand for above statement delegateAdd objAdd=Add;
Difference between int, Int16, Int32 and Int64

Difference between int, Int16, Int32 and Int64

int It is a primitive data type defined in C#. It is mapped to Int32 of FCL type. It is a value type and represent System.Int32 struct. It is signed and takes 32 bits. It has minimum -2147483648 and maximum +2147483647 capacity. Int16 It is a FCL type. In C#, short is mapped to Int16. It is a value type and represent System.Int16 struct. It is signed and takes 16 bits.
Difference between Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer

Difference between Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer

Response.Redirect Response.Redirect() will send you to a new page, update the address bar and add it to the Browser History. On your browser you can click back. It redirects the request to some plain HTML pages on our server or to some other web server. It causes additional roundtrips to the server on each request. It doesn’t preserve Query String and Form Variables from the original request. It enables to see the new redirected URL where it is redirected in the browser (and be able to bookmark it if it’s necessary). Response. Redirect simply sends a message down to the (HTTP 302) browser.