Payment through paypal in

1. For Test First register it and login before payment. 2. Initialize Item for payment //Query String of Item Detail to send item description to paypal private string GetItemDtetail() { string strPayPalUrlType ="";// For Test string strPayPalUrlType ="";// For Live string cmd = "_xclick"; string redirect = ""; redirect += strPayPalUrlType; redirect += "?cmd=" + cmd;

Payment through merchant gateway in

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Demo Url Process= //Live Url Process= //One transaction will done at a time Test Card Number:4111111111111111 StringBuilder ob = new StringBuilder(); ob.Append(""); ob.Append("ssl_merchant_id= Merchant Id"); ob.Append("&ssl_amount= Amount"); ob.Append("&ssl_user_id=User Id");