If you want to call any method of cs page from JS then this is the best way that you can follow.
This is required when ur buttons onClick event are not fired den u can call the onClientClick of button and then call the required method.
Step 1:
Create any page lets say Default.aspx.
With in the body part look carefully
To implement paging in repeater control in .net that to without any post back i.e.asynchronously, can be occurred through the following manner.
The paging is Some thing like the below Structure.
Step 1:
In the aspx page just paste the follow code.
ScriptManager is used for asynchronous paging.
Follow these 3 steps:
Create a page named as paging.aspx
Create Table named as ProductDetails
Create a storedprocedure named as SQLPaging
paging.aspx :
1 . Add reference to your website using by CKEditor DLL
Download Dll CKEditor DLL
2. Register CKEditor on Page
< %@ Register Assembly="CKEditor.NET" Namespace="CKEditor.NET" TagPrefix="CKEditor" %>
3. After That Add CK Editor Folder in Your Website or Solution
Download Folder