Today i’ll explain how to generate random password in SQL by using a template.

Template work as like as format that every new password will generate as same format.

declare @count int  ,@randomChar char(1)  ,@password varchar(30)  ,@specialChar varchar(50)  ,@passwordTemplate varchar(30)=’ABD@dot12′

select @count = 0  ,@password = ”  ,@specialChar = ‘!#$%&()*/<=>?@{|}’

set @count = 1 while @count <= len(@passwordTemplate)


set @randomChar =  case  –upper alpha [A-Z]  when ascii(substring(@passwordTemplate, @count, 1)) between 65 and 90  then char(65 + convert(int,floor(rand()*26)))

–lower alpha [a-z]

when ascii(substring(@passwordTemplate, @count, 1)) between 97 and 122  then char(97 + convert(int,floor(rand()*26)))

–number [0-9]

when ascii(substring(@passwordTemplate, @count, 1)) between 48 and 57  then convert(char(1), convert(int,floor(rand() * 10)))

–special (printable) character

else  substring(@specialChar, convert(int,floor((rand()*len(@specialChar))+1)), 1)


select @count = @count+1   ,@password = @password + @randomChar


select @password as Random Password

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