Routing Works in ASP.NET Core

Routing Works in ASP.NET Core
1. Endpoint Registration: You define endpoints (routes) within your application, specifying:
The URL pattern (e.g., /products, /api/orders/{id}).
The HTTP method(s) the endpoint handles (GET, POST, etc.).
The code to execute when the endpoint is matched (RequestDelegate).
2. Request Matching (Middleware):
The UseRouting middleware component is added to the pipeline.
When a request arrives, UseRouting analyzes the incoming URL and HTTP method.
It compares the URL against your registered endpoints to find the best match.
3. Endpoint Execution (Middleware):
The UseEndpoints middleware component is added to the pipeline, following UseRouting.
If UseRouting found a matching endpoint, UseEndpoints executes the code (the RequestDelegate) associated with that endpoint.


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