Use of Module Setting Value in DotnetNuke (DNN) using C#

Use of Module Setting Value in DotnetNuke (DNN) using C#

//Controls for configuration page to set the value
<asp:TextBox ID=”txtAdd” runat=”server”></asp:TextBox>
<asp:DropDownList ID=”ddlLoginPage” runat=”server”></asp:DropDownList>
DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController mctrl = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController();
Hashtable HT = new Hashtable();
TabInfo objtabinfo = new TabInfo();
TabController objtabcontroller = new TabController();

//Call this function on button to save module setting in cofiguration page

private void ModuleConfigurationSetting()
HT = mctrl.GetModuleSettings(this.ModuleId);
mctrl.UpdateModuleSetting(this.ModuleId, “Address”, txtAdd.Text);
mctrl.UpdateModuleSetting(this.ModuleId, “Tab_Name”, ddlLoginPage.SelectedItem.Text);
//Call this function on page load to get module setting value in configuration page
// By default it will give all portal tabs in your dropdown
private void loadsetting()
HT = mctrl.GetModuleSettings(this.ModuleId);
object objAdd = HT[“Address”];
if (Convert.ToString(objAdd) != “”)
Txturl.Text = objAdd.ToString();

object objSettingVal3 = HT[“Tab_Name”];
List<TabInfo> objtabInfoList = new List<TabInfo>();
List<TabCollection> objTabCollection = new List<TabCollection>();
TabCollection objTabcoll = new TabCollection();
objTabcoll = objtabcontroller.GetTabsByPortal(this.PortalId);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TabInfo> objtabinfo in objTabcoll)
TabInfo objtabin = objtabinfo.Value;
ddlpage.Items.Add(new ListItem(objtabin.TabName, objtabin.TabID.ToString()));
ddlpage.SelectedValue = objSettingVal3.ToString();
List<TabInfo> objtabInfoList = new List<TabInfo>();
List<TabCollection> objTabCollection = new List<TabCollection>();
TabCollection objTabcoll = new TabCollection();
objTabcoll = objtabcontroller.GetTabsByPortal(this.PortalId);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TabInfo> objtabinfo in objTabcoll)
TabInfo objtabin = objtabinfo.Value;
ddlpage.Items.Add(new ListItem(objtabin.TabName, objtabin.TabID.ToString()));

//Call module setting value in any page of module

HT = mctrl.GetModuleSettings(this.ModuleId);
object objSettingVal = HT[“Address”];
if (Convert.ToString(objSettingVal) != “”)
string straddress = objSettingVal.ToString();
//Call this function where u want to redirect the page through module setting value
private void RedirectToLoginProfilePage()
DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController mctrl = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController();
Hashtable HT = new Hashtable();
HT = mctrl.GetModuleSettings(this.ModuleId);
object objSettingVal = HT[“Tab_Name”];
TabController objTabCtrl = new TabController();
string redirect = String.Empty;
if (objSettingVal != null && Convert.ToString(objSettingVal) != “”)
TabInfo objTabinfo = objTabCtrl.GetTabByName(Convert.ToString(objSettingVal), this.PortalId);
redirect = Globals.NavigateURL(objTabinfo.TabID);


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