Model Validation in Core

Model Validation in Core
Model validation is the process of verifying that the data submitted to your ASP.NET Core MVC application meets your defined criteria. This prevents invalid or malicious data from entering your system and helps maintain the integrity of your application’s data.
Why Model Validation Matters
Security: Protects against common attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and overposting.
Data Integrity: Ensures that the data stored in your database or used in your application logic is valid.
User Experience: Provides immediate feedback to users, guiding them to correct input errors.
Best Practices
Validate on Both Sides: Validate data both on the client-side (using JavaScript) for immediate feedback and on the server-side for security (as client-side validation can be bypassed).
Use Data Annotations: Leverage the built-in data annotation attributes provided by the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace to express validation rules concisely.
Custom Validation Attributes: Create custom validation attributes for more complex or domain-specific rules.
Model State: Always check the ModelState.IsValid property in your controller actions before processing the data. If it’s invalid, return an appropriate error response.
Display Error Messages: Clearly display error messages to the user, indicating which fields are invalid and why.
Essential Data Annotations
Here are some of the most commonly used data annotation attributes:
[Required]: The field must not be null or empty.
[StringLength]: Restricts the maximum or minimum length of a string.
[Range]: Specifies a numeric range within which the value must fall.
[RegularExpression]: Validates the value against a regular expression pattern.
[EmailAddress]: Verifies that the value is a valid email address format.
[Compare]: Compares the value of one property to another (e.g., password confirmation).
[Phone]: Validates a phone number format.
[Url]: Validates a URL format.


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