Get list of files from SFTP using Winscp(Version 5.5.4) in C#

Get list of files from SFTP using Winscp(Version 5.5.4) in C#

Use below link to download DLL and EXE
Download Link :-
Dll :- WinSCPnet.dll :-> Select Winscp 5.5.4 .NET Assembly / COM library Windows ALL Binary
Executable Path :- WinSCP.exe :-> Select Winscp 5.5.4 Portable Executable Windows ALL Binary

Use WinSCP;//Namespace after adding Dll in project

Below function used to create the SFTP Connectivity :-
public static Session SFTPConnectivity()
// Setup session options
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(1,1,1);//Set as per requirement
SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
HostName = “”,
UserName = “Abdul”,
Password = “Abdul”,
GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = true,
PortNumber = 22,
Timeout = ts
Session session = new Session()
Timeout = ts,
ExecutablePath = “D:\Abdul\Winscp\Winscp.exe”,
return session;
catch (Exception ex)

throw ex;

Below function used to get the list of files from SFTP with the help of created sftp session
public static List<string> ListOfFilesFromDirctory(Session session)
if (session != null)
string fileDirectoryPath = “/NET/Abdul/Files/”;
RemoteDirectoryInfo SapDirectory = session.ListDirectory(fileDirectoryPath);
List<string> listFileName = new List<string>();
foreach (RemoteFileInfo fileInfo in SapDirectory.Files)
return listFileName;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;



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